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  • 16 hours
    Safety: Mandatory training standard for law - Sixteen hours
    Compulsory course for new employees as laborers in construction. The new Competitive expected that new hires be required to attend a training course of 16 hours before taking security
  • Pregeo
    Training course for professionals
    Using the software register PREGEO that allows professional technicians to perform updates maps and census on buildings
  • Voltura and Doc.Te
    Training course for professionals
    Using software cadastral TRANSFER (for the compilation of cadastral registration) and Docta (for data acquisition reports of cultivation of particles counted in the Land Cadastre
  • DOC.FA
    Training course for professionals
    DOCFA software training, enabling technical professionals to compile applications Racking and complaints of variation to be given to local agencies
  • Licence for small diameter drill
    Specific vocational training for operators - MANDATORY FOR COMPANIES palificata
    Path of competency for operators of complex machinery, particularly small diameter drills. REQUIRED UNDER THE COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT FOR BUILDING WORKERS OF NATIONAL COMPANIES palificata
  • Licence for large diameter drill
    Specific vocational training for operators - MANDATORY FOR COMPANIES palificata
    Path of competency for operators of complex machines, especially large diameter drills. REQUIRED UNDER THE COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT FOR BUILDING WORKERS OF NATIONAL COMPANIES palificata
  • Construction machines for road works
    Specific vocational training for operators
    Training on the use of construction machines for road works
  • Driving licence for crane
    Specific vocational training for operators
    Advanced training of experts in the use of cranes and lifting equipment construction.
  • Course for employers
    Safety: Mandatory training standard for law
    Compulsory course for employers of businesses with fewer than 30 employees in the absence of external person in charge of prevention and protection
  • Course for person in charge of prevention and protection
    Safety: Mandatory training standard for law
    Course Responsible for the training of Prevention and Protection (RSPP) (Legislative Decree no. 81 - Art.32).
  • Updating for Safety Coordinator
    Update required by law
    During the five-year mandatory update of the Security Coordinator for the design and execution of work (Legislative Decree no. 81 - All.XIV).
  • Builder On The Infrastructure
    Traning course olf professionals
    The course is aimed at workers in the sector (Road Construction and Infrastructure), wishing to develop their professionalism.
Ente Scuola Edile Piacenza

P.Iva: 01256130335 - Cod. Fisc.: 80008070338 - PEC: scuolaedilepiacenza@legalmail.it
Via Caorsana n. 127 - 29122 Piacenza (Loc. Le Mose)
Tel. +39.0523.606159 - e-mail: direttore@scuolaedilepiacenza.it
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