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Builder On The Infrastructure

Traning course olf professionals

Job Description: The Builder on the infrastructure can carry out work and maintenance on parts of the infrastructural work destined for traffic and viability (streets, bridges, viaducts, tunnels, etc.) and using and operating and carrying out work on building work machines

Specialisations: cement worker, excavator operator, building crane operator, road works of various types:

Course modules: The skills dealt with during the course are divided in to units:

1. Structural work of building site infrastructure

2. Infrastructural building work 

3.  Mechanical work on infrastructural building work

4. Quality control and safety of infrastructural building work

Length of course:

  • 400/600 hours for full qualification;
  • 200/300 hours if only 2 skills units are certified.

Part of the course work is done during industrial placement or in project work

Certificate awarded: Skills Certificate / Certificate of Attendance

Ente Scuola Edile Piacenza

P.Iva: 01256130335 - Cod. Fisc.: 80008070338 - PEC: scuolaedilepiacenza@legalmail.it
Via Caorsana n. 127 - 29122 Piacenza (Loc. Le Mose)
Tel. +39.0523.606159 - e-mail: direttore@scuolaedilepiacenza.it
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dalle 09.00 alle 13.00
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