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Disciplinary Fields

All'interno di questa sezione è possibile visionare l'offerta formativa della Scuola, diversificata nei vari ambiti disciplinari.
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  • Course for Energy managers in building sector
    Certification: mandatory training standard for law
    During qualifying for Energy Certification in Construction. The course meets the accreditation for certifiers in the region Emilia Romagna
  • Courses for Asbestos reclaim technicians
    Asbestos: mandatory training standard for law
    Compulsory course for employees of enterprises engaged in remediation of asbestos.
  • Course for operators involved with asbestos reclaiming
    Asbestos: mandatory training standard for law
    Compulsory course for employees of firms engaged in asbestos remediation
  • Course for writing up Operating Safety Plans
    Professional updating not required
    During the drafting of operational safety plan of building sites. The writing of SOPs is mandatory for every yard and every construction company operating there
  • Safety Coordinator
    Safety: Mandatory training standard for law
    Training Course for Security Coordinators for the design and execution of work (Legislative Decree no. 81 - All.XIV). Reserved for Technical (Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, Surveyors industrial / agricultural)
  • Workers’ Safety Representative
    Safety: Mandatory training standard for law
    Course for training of employee representatives for Security (RLS) elected or appointed by the workers (Decree. 81 - Art.47).
  • Reading reinforced concrete designs.
    Training course for professionals and practitioners in the construction sector
    Correct interpretation of the technical design, elements of graphic representation and reading of structural designs. Course aimed at capicantiere, foremen, craftsmen, laborers
  • Autocad 3d
    Training course for professionals
    Using advanced software for technical drawing AutoCad
  • Autocad 2d
    Training course for professionals
    Using the software for technical drawing AutoCad
  • 16 hours
    Safety: Mandatory training standard for law - Sixteen hours
    Compulsory course for new employees as laborers in construction. The new Competitive expected that new hires be required to attend a training course of 16 hours before taking security
  • Pregeo
    Training course for professionals
    Using the software register PREGEO that allows professional technicians to perform updates maps and census on buildings
  • Voltura and Doc.Te
    Training course for professionals
    Using software cadastral TRANSFER (for the compilation of cadastral registration) and Docta (for data acquisition reports of cultivation of particles counted in the Land Cadastre
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Ente Scuola Edile Piacenza

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