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16 hours

Safety: Mandatory training standard for law - Sixteen hours

Description of the course: Course is obligatory for newly employed manual workers and labourers in building sector. The new National Collective Work Contract (CCNL) states that before being officially employed the new employees must obligatorily attend a 16-hour training course on safety. The company intending to take on employment must inform the Building School and the cassa Edile administration on appropriate form

Course criteria: Safety at work in the building trade, use of tools and equipment. Individual Protection Devices. The entire course is carried out in the workshop.

Length of course: 16 hours in two days (Thursday and Friday)

Certificate awarded: Certificate of attendance

Ente Scuola Edile Piacenza

P.Iva: 01256130335 - Cod. Fisc.: 80008070338 - PEC: scuolaedilepiacenza@legalmail.it
Via Caorsana n. 127 - 29122 Piacenza (Loc. Le Mose)
Tel. +39.0523.606159 - e-mail: direttore@scuolaedilepiacenza.it
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