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Course for employers

Safety: Mandatory training standard for law

Description of course: OBLIGATORY Course for Employers whose companies have under 30 employees when there is no external Safety Manager (according to article 34 of the Legislative Decree. 81/08 and in accordance with what is laid down in the Ministerial Decree D.M. issued on 16.01.97).

Course criteria: Safety on building sites. Rules and organisation. Safety management on work places (Legislative Decree 81/08). Health risks on building sites. Use and management of Individual Protection Devices on building sites. Specific legislation for safety management on building sites according to Title IV of Legislative Decree 81/08.

Length of course: 16 hours

Certificate awarded: Certificate of attendance

Ente Scuola Edile Piacenza

P.Iva: 01256130335 - Cod. Fisc.: 80008070338 - PEC: scuolaedilepiacenza@legalmail.it
Via Caorsana n. 127 - 29122 Piacenza (Loc. Le Mose)
Tel. +39.0523.606159 - e-mail: direttore@scuolaedilepiacenza.it
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