Course description: Training course for the safety manager (Legislative decree. 81 – art.32). According to current regulations, the course for safety manager in Ateco 3 (construction) sector consists of a 3-module course of 112 hours. The minimum qualification for participating on the course is a high school leaving diploma.
Course contents:
Module A Base training (28 hours + 2 final exams): general and specific regulations in hygiene, health and safety at work, criteria and tools for researching the sources (Laws and technical norms) referred to the specific problems. The people in the “Company safety system”, their tasks and responsibilities, functions carried out by the assigned authorities interested in ensuring safety (ASL, VV.F. Provincial Work Managements, ISPESL, NAS, INAIL, etc.). Regulations related to risks and damages caused at work, prevention and protection measures for eliminating them, or at least reducing them, the methodology for assessing risk and coping with emergency. The organisation and management modalities for a Company Safety System.
Module B specialised: Specific technical training for Productive Macro-sector ATECO3 (60 hours + 4 hours for final test): The risk factors and subsequent prevention and protection measures of the department of Construction/Mineral Extraction/extraction industries. Individualising, quantifying and assessing the true risks met while working on the construction/mineral extraction/extraction industries environment. Individualising suitable technical, organisational, procedural safety solutions for the type of risks faced with on the working environment and production cycle in the sector of construction/mineral extraction/extraction industries. Individualisation, choice and use of Individual Protection Devices suitable for risks that cannot be overcome just by collective protection, as they are risks exclusive to the environment and production cycle in this sector. Individualisation of the risk factors present in the working environment and production cycle of construction/mineral extraction/extraction industries sector where Health Supervision is required.
Module C specialised: Relations and management training (24 hours + 4 hours for final test): Develop knowledge and specialised inherent managerial and relations skills: Management Systems for Company Safety; technical documentation for safety; dynamics of social relations, company and union communications; the psychosocial and ergonomic risk factors; planning and management of company training processes.
Length of course: 112 hours
Certificate awarded: Certificate of attendant for each module attended