Wednesday, January 22, 2025
time: 22:45:46
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Building Trade

  • Operator for movable tower scaffolding
    Operator responsible for movable tower scaffolding
    Mandatory training (Circ.Min. No 30 of 11.3.2006) to all who use bridges and trestles on wheels
  • Provost - scaffolding
    Person assigned to overseeing putting up/taking down/altering scaffolding
    Mandatory training (ANNEX XXI, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree no. 81/08) for employers and workers responsible for monitoring the operations of assembly / disassembly / conversion of scaffolding.
  • Operator - Scaffolding
    Operator for putting up/taking down/ altering scaffolding
    Mandatory training (ANNEX XXI, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree no. 81/08) for all workers that mount / unmount / turn scaffolds.
  • Builder On The Infrastructure
    Traning course olf professionals
    The course is aimed at workers in the sector (Road Construction and Infrastructure), wishing to develop their professionalism.
  • Builder On Structures
    Training course for professionals
    The course is intended for workers in the industry who wish to develop their professionalism
Ente Scuola Edile Piacenza

P.Iva: 01256130335 - Cod. Fisc.: 80008070338 - PEC:
Via Caorsana n. 127 - 29122 Piacenza (Loc. Le Mose)
Tel. +39.0523.606159 - e-mail:
Siamo aperti dal lunedi al venerdi
dalle 09.00 alle 13.00
e dalle 14.00 alle 18.00
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