Tuesday, February 11, 2025
time: 04:17:19
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  • Aerial platforms
    Training for safe use of aerial platforms
    Course to train operators can safely use aerial platforms. The use of such equipment is reserved for those who have received appropriate training and specific (Legislative Decree 81/2008 Title III)

Area under costruction.

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Welcome to our brand new site Scuola Edile di Piacenza!

The Scuola Edile is a modern and well-equipped training centre for the building and construction industry in Piacenza.
We have a full range of up-to-date courses and we continuously review our course scope and content to cater for changes in the industry. We can suit your particular requirements and we also conduct skill audits to help identify training needs.
All our instructors have had extensive experience in the building and construction industry.
You can browse or search our website to find more about what we do and eventually find the course you are looking for, or you can our inspections on the building sites with the CPT (follow the link CPT).
You'll find any news, you may register (follow the link on the right side of the page) and read our newsletter!

Accedi all'area corsisti
Ente Scuola Edile Piacenza

P.Iva: 01256130335 - Cod. Fisc.: 80008070338 - PEC: scuolaedilepiacenza@legalmail.it
Via Caorsana n. 127 - 29122 Piacenza (Loc. Le Mose)
Tel. +39.0523.606159 - e-mail: direttore@scuolaedilepiacenza.it
Siamo aperti dal lunedi al venerdi
dalle 09.00 alle 13.00
e dalle 14.00 alle 18.00
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